Friday, December 11, 2009


Today has been cold and rainy. Meh.

Breakfast was an excellent blend of cottage cheese and black berry preserves. 006

Oh wait no - Except the cottage cheese froze over,  and I was a little too liberal with the preserves.005

I ate half of the bowl and moved on to carrots and apples.004

Can you tell I was in a hurry this morning? Not only is my carrot cut all weird, but this apple wasn’t good. It had started to go bad on one side, but I thought I could salvage it. Not so, my friend, not so.

I moved on to popcorn.009

My co-workers must think I have binging problems. I was eating from 7:00-9:00 practically, then I made 3 cups of tea. Oh well, we all have our quirks. drag_queen_monkey_b

For lunch I had a bean burrito. I was starving after working out.010

I decided this picture doesn’t accurately portray how big the burrito is, so I took another.011

But, do you know how large my hands are? Back to the drawing board.012

Yes, that is a cordless phone. (Black on black not a good idea.) The burrito is taking a very important call apparently. At work we call it the “ghetto phone” because it is duct-taped together. Ahhh…budget cuts.

Later I had my umpteenth cuppa tea.008

The boyfriend picked me up from work and informed me that we were having pot roast. Best news I’ve heard all day. We stopped at Highland Coffees, then went home for some good food.

Arial shot:013

Pot roast and mushrooms in au jus


mashed potatoes, carrots, and green beans019

Right now I’m enjoying a soy candle my mom gave to me called Santa’s Whiskers from Phebes. Phebes candles are the best. We are loyal customers!022

I also might be enjoying a Killian’s.


1 comment:

Nutritious is Delicious said...

great blog! love the "ghetto" phone! ;)

THat burrito looks great!