This is my 100th post! I should say upon viewing a few of my posts that I should’ve named my blog “The Vampire Chronicles: The Blog Which Never Sees Natural Light.” Alas, it is true, I wake up before the sun rises most mornings; my office not only has no windows, but is kept dark, and I get home after sunset. On the bright side, the risks of skin cancer should be reduced.
This morning I had a simple omelet divided into two on a toasted Orowheat thin. Open faced style! The cheese is plain gouda, which I seem to be plowing through. We bought it on sale, which explains why we had a ton of it. Some people are sweet eaters, I like salty things. Like cheese.
I had a snack at work halfway to lunchtime. My rationale was that it was vegetables, so I could go whole hog. Carrots, tomatoes, celery, and a generous dab of homemade hummus.
It was very satisfying, and good fuel for my lunchtime workout. [I did 35 minutes on the elliptical.]
For lunch I had a sandwich I’ve been wanting for quite a while: a veggie deluxe. I used to make variations of these last summer all the time. All you need:
lettuce and sprouts (of the radish variety)
I would like to stress that any bread and vegetable is acceptable, in fact welcome. Other ideas: cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese slices, any lettuce or spinach, onions, bell pepper, sun dried tomato, salsa, carrots….can you tell that I love sandwiches? On the side I had the remnants of what couldn’t be stuffed into the pita, made into a salad.
When I got home, my boyfriend made me a soy iced mocha with our his Bialetti.
For dinner I roasted a butternut squash along with a few other vegetables. Well, I shouldn’t say along with. The butternut squash I started first, for fear that it would take a really long time. It didn’t. I wanted some other vegetables too, so I put them in the oven, and 25 minutes later went and checked on them. They were still hard. It turns out I had turned off the oven when I pulled out the butternut squash. Ha! After a while I just ate a quarter of the squash and Mr. Greens ate squash, rice, and a burrito.
I waited another 20 minutes or so, ate a few undocumented cashews, and then ate dinner. It was white rice and roasted carrots, sweet potatoes, onion, and broccoli.
Even though this post was dark and dim, we must remember to always look on the bright side of life.
I sing this all the time.
Hi Emily,
It all looks great, as usual. I am inspired by the roasted vegetables!
Where do you get the radish sprouts?
The sprout mix called "zesty sprouts" is a mix of alfalfa, radish, clover, and maybe fenugreek? I'll look on my package when I get home. I was just simplifying by calling them radish sprouts. They're zesty for sure!
Your veggie sandwich looks delish! And I love Life of Brian, that's a great song. The whole movie is hysterrrical!
You had a very nutrient-rich day! Love your stuffed veggie pita -- yum. I crave salt 10x more than sweet, too. I love chocolate, but sometimes I'd rather have a deli sandwich for dessert than ice cream. haha
Happy 100th post! The open faced sandwich looks sooo good...I love eating those sandwich thins like that, it makes them "last" longer!
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