I made oatmeal last night but wasn't feeling like eating it this morning. Instead I munched on a bar while working and drank coffee.
I've been trying to only eat when hungry, so today I didn't have a snack before workout.
Lunch was supposed to be a melted cheese, bean, and spinach sandwich pressed on the grill, but the spinach was bad smelling. So I went with a different plan.
This (Orowheat thin, grape tomatoes, and garlic and herb Laughing Cow):
Complete with teeth marks. I ate the carrot on the side as well as a half cup of black beans.
Within 15 minutes I had a Zbar.
Around 4:00 I got hungry, and decided to eat a Chobani.
Before dinner we made a few dips. I made a quick guacamole out of an avocado that we needed to use, and the boyfriend made hummus.
I did not eat all of my soup, but I did eat all of the sandwich. Mmmm....
Hi Beans!
The bread you used for your cheese sandwich looks so good! What kind is it?
The grilled cheese was made with Nature's Pride Healthy Multi-Grain. (Purple label)
Boyfriend says it is a ripoff of a bread we can't get here - Milton's multigrain, but I wouldn't know. It's tasty especially toasted with butter, the seeds are yum!
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