Also for breakfast? Cream of Wheat. I like mine savory with only salt and milk, Mr. Greens likes it with honey.
Today was a big day over at the parents'. It is my dad's birthday week.
Clockwise from top left: Wensleydale with cranberries, Chimay Grand Cru, Mimolette 12 month, Dill Chevre Goat Cheese, St. Andre, Double cream Gouda, and Gruyere Reserve Cheese.
Served with one of the best wines ever: Groth Cabernet Sauvignon
We ate outside and enjoyed the sub 80 degree weather.
We all had a hard time choosing our favorite cheese. My tentative top three would be:
The Gruyere - I love little salty, hard bits in cheese.
They were all wonderful. Thanks to my mother for picking out such winners. She's a smart lady.
After we gorged on cheese we cracked open another bottle of Groth wine. This time a light Sauvignon Blanc.
Then we ate birthday brownies and drank coffee.
My mom and dad have a tradition of doing "birthday week" which is a week of smaller presents leading up to your birthday. I've always wanted a birthday week, but have never successfully implemented it with the mister. Anyway, today I brought my dad presents for his birthday, which I think he liked. First of all is a really girly wine bag. We thought this was funny. Inside was the requisite scotch and cigar. I buy him the same thing every year. (I do mix up the brands.) You can't go wrong with a sure thing, right?
He and the boyfriend smoked their cigars and had a little scotch after lunch.
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