Today I had the day off - Yay! My schedule is a little confusing mostly because I often work overtime on my off days. Last week I crammed in all of the overtime I could for this pay period, so that I could have a full day vacation.
I slept in and was greeted with the sun and my lovely kitty.
I drove my boyfriend to work and then made a monster omelet. It contained spinach, mushrooms, onions, and cheese.
I caught up on a few blogs and email, and within a couple of hours went to pick up my boyfriend from work.
When I got back I ate a few pieces of cantaloupe. This particular cantaloupe was purchased more than a week ago and it never smelled ripe. I finally opened it up and started eating it. The season must be over for melon. Here in the south it's hard to tell when summer is really over.
At Highland, we also got two iced mochas. It was a "treat" kinda day.
While we were there I saw a flyer for a fun run.
Dinner: Homemade lasagna, made by my boyfriend. (I grew the basil!)
It was a classic lasagna with meat, cheese, and whole wheat pasta. We shared dinner and a few beers with a new neighbor out on the porch.
That reminds me - I set up a trap for the fruit flies in our kitchen using a mason jar and vinegar. This method has worked before for me. Just secure a cone of stiff paper to the jar with a little vinegar at the bottom. The flies go in to investigate, and find it hard to return; most of them drown.
After dinner we ate two pomegranates.
I've never eaten a pomegranate before, but I've drunk the juice. I was very interested to try! Here's what I did after a bit of research:
First I stuck my fingers into the skin, poking it, and feeling little pops of seeds disengaging.
Then I rolled the fruit around on a cutting board, feeling more seeds come loose inside from their walls.
Also: my boyfriend spit out the seeds, I chewed them and swallowed. Just in case you wondered
who was tougher. (answer: me)
1 comment:
HAHA bug traps are hot. Love it! I want a neti pot! Saw one at CVS but had no money with me.
Vindaloo would have been an excellent answer, right up there with beer milkshake!
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