Sunday, November 29, 2009

How I spent my Thanksgiving Vacation

We finally figured out our computer problems! Apparently we learned nothing from “The It Crowd.”itcrowd

Embarrassingly enough, the problem was solved with a simple restart of the computer.

To recap what I’ve been eating since Thanksgiving, I decided to write this post.  Plus I had a ton of pictures to use.

Friday was a complete wash, we went shopping for a good portion of the day and ended up stopping at a Church’s chicken. I completely blame Mr. Greens. I’ve never even eaten at a Church’s before. I’m a Popeye’s fan if anything.

On Saturday I made slow cooker split pea soup for dinner and future meals. Before: 097

After: 117

Verdict: too much ham! Next time I’ll use half a pound (or less) to a pound of split peas. It was super tasty though. Other ingredients include onion, carrots, and celery. That’s it. I’ve been wanting split pea soup fuh-fuh-ever, but cannot wait any longer for it to get cold. (As I type this there has been a 20 degree drop on Monday – I should’ve waited!)

Also on Saturday the boyfriend made a wonderful chicken salad and hummus. He’s the designated maker of hummus. Boy knows what he’s doing. I made hardboiled eggs and prepped crudite. With our forces combined we had a nice lunch. 091


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Sunday I had granola for breakfast. Only granola. Nice Ginger Snap granola though.069

Lunch was split pea soup, and dinner was homemade sushi and curry. 003


Sadly I didn’t eat all of my lovely red curry. Too much food! 

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